Hornchurch Academy Trust



Children bring home a Read Write Inc phonics book each week.  They will also bring home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book. 

In addition to this our Reception children are given a weekly challenge to complete at home.  When the children bring their challenge work into school it is celebrated.


Year 1

Children bring home a Read Write Inc phonics book each week.  They will also bring home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book. 

In addition to this our Year 1 children are given a weekly challenge to complete at home.  When the children bring their challenge work into school it is celebrated.


Year 2

Year 2 children will bring home an English and Maths homework book that provides activities to consolidate and embed the Year 2 curriculum covered in school.  Each book is broken down into three terms, Autumn, Spring and Summer and each term has 12 ‘workouts’ to complete.  

Autumn Term Workouts 1-7 are appropriate for Term 1.

Autumn Term Workouts 8-12 are appropriate for Term 2.

Spring Term Workouts 1-7 are appropriate for Term 3.

Spring Term Workouts 8-12 are appropriate for Term 4.

Summer Term Workouts 1-7 are appropriate for Term 5.

Summer Term Workouts 8-12 are appropriate for Term 6.

The workouts may be completed at a pace to suit your child and they are not expected to be completed independently.  They may choose to do a few questions each week or complete a whole workout.  

The Maths and English books will be sent home on alternate weeks on Fridays and should be returned to school on Tuesdays.

Reading books are sent home each week.  Reading for pleasure books will be changed and sent home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  These books are for you and your child to enjoy sharing together and are not expected to be read independently by your child.  These books will vary in complexity and will give you and your child time to discuss different parts of the books.  Your child will also bring home a Read Write Inc phonics book to read with you at home on Thursdays.  This will be a copy of the phonics reading book they will have been reading at school during their phonics and reading lessons.  Your child will have read this story three times with their reading teacher before bringing it home, so your child should be able to read the story confidently.    

Please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Year 2 team if you have any questions. 

Year 2 homework overview







Homework focus:  

Reading for pleasure books  

Maths / English books to be returned please for marking  



Reading for pleasure books 

Phonics reading book sent home if appropriate  

Week A – Maths books sent home  


Week B – English books sent home  


Reading for pleasure books